A strategic approach to building your business online

You wouldn’t:

  • build a house without a blueprint;
  • open a factory without knowing what you were going to make;
  • pour a foundation without knowing the size and shape of the building;
  • choose paint colours without knowing what your customer likes. 


So why would you trust your marketing to chance?

That's why we created a process that helps us understand your business and the best way to grow it online.

Surveyor at work

Getting the lay of the land

With a clear understanding of your business, your customers, your industry and your competition, your marketing efforts will be much more effective.

That's why we created The Success Blueprint. Over the course of several meetings and a few hours of research on our own, we'll learn about your business and the elements that affect your sales.

Whether you come to us for a website, social media services, online marketing or guidance in getting the most value from your own efforts, the Success Blueprint helps identify your true marketing needs. 

Find out more about The Success Blueprint

construction drawings and drafting tools

Defining a project strategy

Once we understand your organization, your goals, and the competitive environment, we'll recommend an integrated marketing strategy to build your business online.

That might include a new or updated website, social media services, online advertising or email marketing, or a combination of some or all of these. Whatever we suggest will be based on a thorough understanding of your business, not a cookie-cutter approach or offering services you don't need.

We'll recommend those elements that will help you connect with more of your target customers, based on research and knowledge of your market. We might suggest rolling out the plan in phases to fit with your budget, focusing first on the most urgent need.

hands typing on a laptop keyboard

Crafting content to convert

Upon acceptance of our proposal, we get underway by looking at your content. Strong content is the basis of everything you do online so this phase is key to your online success.

For a website project, we'll do an inventory of your existing content and develop a plan for creating new text that will appeal to your target audience.

If we're helping you with blogging, social media or a marketing plan, we'll create an editorial calendar to guide the creation of messaging that matches the seasonal cycles of your business.

architectural rendering of a house

Visualizing your project

People DO judge a book by its cover and they do assess a business by how it looks online. But even more, good design improves understanding of your message and helps guide visitors through your website.

Our design team creates the visual presentation of your business and gives context to the content we've created. Depending on the extent of the project, we might be creating a new logo and print materials. For a website, the designer renders the appearance of the home and interior pages. The look is carried through other elements such as printed materials and social media imagery.

Once the design phase is complete, we create a style guide to document your brand and ensure consistency in the coming years.

carpenter building a house

Putting the pieces together

With content and design as a foundation, we move on to the Construction phase. We build the structure of the website and add the functionality agreed upon. Responsive layouts, accessibility requirements and calls to action are incorporated into the code. At various stages, we'll present the site to you to ensure you're kept up-to-date with the progress.

Once the site is complete, we put it through rigorous testing to make sure it looks good on all types of devices. We'll test all the forms and interactivity. If you'll be looking after your own content, we'll train you or your staff on updating the website. 

new home owners signing agreement and receiving keys

Handing over the keys

Once the site assembly is done, we'll run our final tests to make sure all interactive elements work as expected. We'll install and configure a traffic analysis system so we can track how visitors find you and the pages they visit. Once you've signed off on all the pages and functionality, it's time to launch.

After the site is live, we submit it to the major search engines for indexing. It can take a few weeks for the site to rank well in organic search results, during which time we monitor and tweak search keywords as we feel necessary. A 30 day warranty applies to the code and includes minor changes to the content.

tablet device showing image of marketing strategy steps

Attracting visitors

Now that your site is live, it's time to attract some visitors. Increased traffic is the key to more sales. Qualified traffic is even more important, and that's been the focus of all the work done to date. Putting the next step of our strategic plan in place, we roll out your social media and advertising programs. 

man holding tablet device showing website traffic statistics

Measure and Adjust

Once the site is launched and traffic is coming, we need to ensure that you're reaching your target audience. We monitor site visits, test and adjust so your site shows up for the correct keywords, and build a network of links leading to your site. Because of the dynamic nature of the internet, this is not "set it and forget it"; search engine optimization is an ongoing activity. 

Free E-book: 6 key focus points to building online success

Want better results from your marketing?

Learn the 6 key areas to focus on to build success with your website.

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